I hope everyone has had an enjoyable Christmas as I did.
All the planning paid off and it went like clockwork. 12 family members for a cold lunch. We did not get around to the hot plum pudding until 4pm! My SIL brought food with her, my husband and mum helped prepare the food and my daughter was a whiz at serving and cleaning up. We had bon bons that each had a whiste in it. Each whistle had a number. I stood up front and tried to conduct, calling out the numbers coressponding with the tune we were trying to play...well this was absolute chaos and so tuneless that we could not discern what the tune was suppose to be. But who cares we had fun. By about 8pm there were only 8 of us left and my younger brother decided we should have a sing along round the piano. Mum had not played in about 30 years but did a great job. Shame about the quality of the singers. It was hilarious and even more so when we watched a short video Mike took. All in all we ate too much (par for the course) and had lots of fun.